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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Is it true that kale has many health benefits?

Kale is a leafy green vegetable that contains many important nutritional nutrients. Therefore, there are widespread claims about the properties of kale in helping nourish and treat health problems. The medicinal properties of kale have been studied in various aspects as follows: Eye care Increasing

Foods that reduce high blood pressure.

 Therefore, knowledge and understanding about the types of foods that lower blood pressure is important. So what types of foods are appropriate and beneficial for patients with high blood pressure disease? You can study from this article. Examples of foods that reduce high blood pressure

4 Behaviors To Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer

4 Behaviors To Reduce The Risk Of Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Thai women. Whether it’s a small or large cup girl, no one would want it to happen. Even today the exact cause of breast cancer is unknown. But found that there are many

5 misconceptions that long time about hair care

5 misconceptions that has done for a long time about hair care I have often heard about hair problems. That it was cause by that factor. This factor Until leading to the wrong hair care, so any girl who wants to have strong, beautiful and shiny hair naturally. Don’t

4 tips for applying foundation before makeup 

4 tips for applying foundation before makeup Don’t let acne invade until you lose your confidence. Girls who love make- up know. That applying foundation is one of the reasons why acne often appears on the face. Therefore, in order not to make up every day. Which must be applied